Making It Know

Creating a Newsletter for Your Blog

Blogs are excellent marketing channels because they are so versatile. If you're a writer, a blog serves as a place for you to share your thoughts and link to published works. Launching a newsletter for your blog can help grow your audience and increase visits to your website.

The benefits of a blog newsletter

With a blog newsletter, your primary goal is to convince people to read articles you've written. In addition to this, newsletters offer multiple advantages.

  • It's easy to build an audience. Readers are drawn to high-quality content, especially if it's delivered to them automatically and on a regular schedule. As with email campaigns or a business newsletter, make sure your blog newsletter ideas are relevant to your audience. Otherwise, it’s more likely that readers will lose interest and unsubscribe.

  • You can establish your authority. Sharing content on a regular basis keeps your brand and blog top of mind. Pairing your blog content with extra newsletter features adds an inviting, personal touch. Examples of those extras could include sharing something that inspires you or a behind-the-scenes view of your office, studio, or shop.

  • You'll create an opportunity to connect with readers. Receiving a personalized blog newsletter in your inbox can feel like receiving a note from a friend. Because of that, newsletters can create more opportunities for meaningful one-on-one connection than some other surfaces, such as your blog’s comments section or your social media channels.

Squarespace Email Design Template Options

Successful blog newsletter design  

A successful blog newsletter puts your writing in the spotlight. One option is to include preview text that directs readers back to your website where they can read the full piece. Preview text can be a paragraph or two, or a brief teaser that links to your blog. There are plenty of blog newsletter examples to provide inspiration—start with the blog newsletters that you subscribe to and identify if anything about them sparks inspiration for your own newsletter.

Another option could be a long-form text newsletter. With these, you include the full text of an article in the email. This might be an exclusive article, or it could be writing you're repurposing from elsewhere. For example, you might give newsletter subscribers a preview of a forthcoming blog post.

Both kinds of newsletters lend themselves to graphic elements, such as a logo or a photo. If you're linking to a blog post, incorporating eye-catching photos can encourage readers to click. To save time, consider designing an email template you can duplicate and reuse. That way, you can just plug in your desired writing each month or each quarter. 

It's best if your design can support these strategic goals. However, don't be afraid to adjust your newsletter template if your content strategy changes based on your email analytics.

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