

Here’s How (And Why) To Make A Website Of All Your Work Wins

How many times have you accomplished something A-M-A-Z-I-N-G at work but felt apprehensive about letting others know? If your answer is "often," you're in good company. The 2019 KPMG Women's Leadership Study found that women tend to be more task-oriented than self-assertive — meaning, happy to get the job done, but less likely to shout out their job accomplishments — in their careers, which can lead to less success over time. The truth is, more often than not, you're the one who will have to let others know about your wins. This is particularly important when applying for a job. Building a portfolio of your work wins can help you have all of those good things on hand when you next go for a job interview or salary negotiation.

Think of it like your own shine theory collaboration with yourself — you don't shine if you don't let others know how shiny you are. If you want to start polishing up your portfolio right freakin' now, online network Ladies Get Paid (LGP) has partnered with Squarespace to package the resources you need to build a website that promotes your awesomeness and showcases your wins, as well as a webinar to give you some tips for showing your worth.

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