Yesterday was Super Bowl 51 where the New England Patriots faced-off against the Atlanta Falcons, and the Patriots triumphed. As one of the most watched programmes in the United States, it’s no surprise prime-time advertising slots have crept up to the flabbergasting $5 million mark.
If you’re not a football fan, fear not because this year’s selection of adverts barely even feature the sport. Instead it’s a plethora of weird stuff, a smattering of celebrity cameos, a few gender stereotypes and the inevitable nods to politics. This is our round-up of just some of the ads that touched down on screen last night, so lean back, grab some nachos and check it out.
JohnXHannes: Squarespace, Who Is
John Malkovich reaches the person who is being John Malkovich in Squarespace’s Super Bowl advert. Here they let the actor go on a rant about another John Malkovich stealing his domain name and the steps he takes to get it back. The monologue is full of swearing, the actor’s dulcet tones and it’s definitely one of our favourites.