WHAT: A short film, "Make Your Next Move" about John Malkovich’s move from actor to fashion designer, with a spotlight on his Squarespace-powered online store.
WHO: Squarespace, JohnXHannes
WHY WE CARE: If you think John Malkovich is merely playing the role of ‘fashion designer’ in this three-minute film, you’d be wrong. In fact, the actor began his career as a costume designer, and first launched a clothing range in the early 2000s. And that wasn't his only foray into the world of fashion.
The film is a collaboration between the actor and Squarespace, charting his struggle to be taken seriously as a designer, although it is hard to imagine meeting Malkovich and not taking him seriously. The film does two main jobs; firstly, it drives viewers to JohnMalkovich.com where one can browse his collections (not for bargain hunters!), and showcases the custom online store built by Squarespace. Secondly, on a more philosophical level, it reminds us that lifelong careers are largely a thing of the past and, at some point, we may all have to make our next move. If Malkovich's experience is anything to go by, we can expect disbelief and mockery, but hopefully, followed by fulfillment and success.
Squarespace has regularly made good use of deft storytelling in its marketing materials, from films featuring small business owners like "Girlboss", musician Leon Bridges, to the slightly bonkers 2015 Super Bowl spot, with Jeff Bridges in Zen mode lulling people to sleep.