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How to Create a Social Media Content Series

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A social media content series is a great way to grow your audience. Whether you're doing a daily video series tied to a special theme week or a monthly blog deep dive on a specific topic, a regular stream of content gives people a reason to follow you and sets you up for future success.

Read on to learn how to run a content series on social media and the best practices to follow, including why it’s important to develop a content strategy and how to measure success.

Making a content series strategy

Your social media content series strategy will contribute to the goals of your regular social media marketing strategy. You want to have a roadmap guiding any new content. That way, you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and what pieces of content you’ll be making.

How often can you make content? 

Creating the best social media content takes time, and some posts require more time than others. For example, running a live video Q&A or designing an infographic can take longer than writing short follower shout outs or resharing user-generated content

If you’re short on time, start by producing one video per month instead of one per week. Or start by building a strategy around simple posts and repurposing other content.

What format makes the most sense for your content? 

Tailor your content strategy to your strengths and brand. If you’re known for beautiful graphics or photos, the type of social media content you make will be more visually oriented. Meanwhile, writers will want a social media strategy that highlights their words.

Which social media platforms are you using? 

Some people prefer to develop a strategy for one platform because it’s easier to manage and measure results. Others, however, post content on one social media channel and then adapt it or repost on other platforms. 

For example, you could post a full-length video on YouTube and then make a shorter version for Instagram and TikTok. Choose the channels you use based on what fits your content and where your target audience spends their time. 

Is your content series running for a specific period of time? 

Decide how long you want to spend on your series. Maybe one series is limited to a specific event, like a new product launch. To have a steady stream of content, put together a year-long content calendar

Note any holidays or themes that fit your brand, then plan relevant content and series around those periods.

Paint tubes, blank canvases, and socks

Developing a content series

Once you have social media content ideas and a strategy in place, you can focus on making the work you’re going to share. A content series on social media will be different from a blog content series. Social media is inherently interactive and moves quickly. It’s important to follow a calendar, work ahead, and create an attention-grabbing mix of content.

Maintain a social media content calendar

It can be challenging to keep track of all of your posts across multiple social media accounts. Using a calendar to track what content is being posted—and where—on a given day can help you stay organized. 

This can also help you stay on top of content production deadlines or store notes like related hashtags and reminders to interact with responses. 

Work ahead

Before launching your social media content series, it can help to create content in advance so you’re not scrambling to keep up. Getting ahead on videos, which can take longer to develop, is especially helpful.

Think about ways to reuse content 

You don’t necessarily have to create content from scratch for every single social media post. Think about ways you might repurpose content. Examples include:

  • Scheduling the same post on a social media channel a few times. Space your posts far apart, so you reach different segments of your audience. Or try posting in a different part of your account, like putting a grid post in your Instagram stories.

  • Updating content made for one platform so it fits the format of a different one. For example, you might take a text post and style it for a visual post.

  • Creating posts based on other content. For example, you can turn a clip from your podcast or a customer testimonial into a social media post.

Create a mix of content

Different types of content perform better on different social media channels. For example, you might have video tutorials in your content series on a few platforms, and stick to text posts on others.

You can also do a branded content social media series. With these, an advertiser or sponsor works with you to develop content that promotes their product. Be aware that laws, rules, and regulations around disclosing paid posts and advertisers vary between countries and at the local level.

From a design side, Squarespace’s Unfold app can help you design and maintain the visual aesthetic across a content series. There are hundreds of trendy post templates available for multiple formats and platforms. Unfold also has exclusive fonts and text editing that make it easy to match your brand style.  

Measuring content series success

Success looks different for every content creator. Some people use a social media content series to raise brand awareness, while others use it to find collaborators or customers.

You may find it helpful to use analytics to find out where your content is having an impact. Common metrics include:

  • Follower count

  • Video views/play count

  • Shares of posts

  • Reach of posts

If you aren’t seeing the results you want, you can tweak your social media content approach and see if that helps. For example, you might post more or less on a certain channel or film shorter video content.

Learn about producing behind-the-scenes content

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