Making It Know

5 Resume Website Examples

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When creating a resume website, a clear, simple website design is key. You want your design to underline the high points of your experience while keeping it easy to skim. But what you want to highlight depends on what you do.

Here are five great resume website templates to kick off or inspire your own, whether you’re looking for a corporate role, building your professional brand, or pursuing a creative career.

1. Carroll

This is a great starting point for a straightforward, one-page resume website. Start with a quick summary of your experience, accomplishments, and goals. Then drop in your specialties and a few recent projects you’re proud of. Use the final section to share more about how you work, add previous work experience, or other key details that help your expertise stand out.

Start Your Site With Carroll

2. Otto

The Otto template is a good example of a simple one-page site with a few added visual elements. Think of this as a traditional resume with more creative freedom. Drop in short summaries of your professional history, your area of expertise, and contact information and top it off with a slideshow of recent projects with dynamic visual effects that draw the eye.

Start your site with Otto

3. Amal

A simple site can be bold too. The Amal template shows a site with an attention-grabbing headline to summarize your expertise and visuals to match. The animated text effect draws your eye, and the dynamic background follows your cursor, keeping all eyes on everything from your latest work and events to your contact information.

Start your site with Amal

4. Randi

You can also think of your website as a digital business card if you want to keep it extra simple. Add a quick summary of what you do, experience, and recent projects, then tie it all together with links to connect on social media or over email.

Start your site with Randi

5. Devoe

A resume website doesn’t have to apply to just “traditional” careers either. Create a simple one-page site to feature your creative work—or yourself—and a quick summary of your experience. Keeping it simple and direct will make it easy for visitors to quickly understand your history and jump straight into reaching out or learning more from your social accounts.

Start your site with Devoe

Want to build a custom resume site template?

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