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Photo by Twin Spire Photography
When Winona went back to Winona, she discovered the local small businesses that comprise the town’s character and power the community. Businesses like these are essential to their neighborhoods, whether in small towns or big cities—they reflect the creative energy of an area and build meaningful connections between citizens.
To celebrate the local businesses that provide valuable cultural and practical touchstones for hometowns of all sizes, we’re kicking off a series on “Local Love.” First to be featured is Mom ‘n ‘Em, a coffee and wine shop located in Cincinnati, OH. Mom ‘n ‘Em is owned by Tony and Austin Ferrari, and while the business is indeed an homage to their mom, it was named for an expression they heard daily on their dad’s favorite local radio station.
Photo by Briana Long
Squarespace: Where are you located? How did you choose that location?
Mom ‘n ‘Em: We are located at 3128 Colerain Ave in Cincinnati, Ohio. The neighborhood is called Camp Washington; it’s one of the oldest communities in Cincinnati and one of the largest manufacturing/industrial neighborhoods still around here. We chose it because it’s a food desert, and also a place we want to bring back to its heyday. It was once a bustling neighborhood with tons of store fronts, working class, and a major street car stop. Since the highway cut through it back in the ‘60s it’s never been the same and slowly fell into disrepair. Today with the help of our community, there has been a huge push of artists, business owners, and homeowners that are investing in the area, giving it life, color, sense of place, and something to do. It’s still a working-class neighborhood where everyone still creates, works with their hands, and builds. It’s full of like minded people working for a cause and we love that.
SQSP: Where is your hometown? Has your hometown influenced your business in any way?
MnE: We are from Cincinnati, Ohio—it’s our roots, humble beginnings, and where things are still slow and affordable. We have adjusted things a bit for the market here but at the same time want to bring new, fresh ideas, and the California vibe we miss after 10 years in San Francisco. Somewhere everyone is welcome, safe place, meet new friends, and enjoy coffee and wine! Cincinnati is an old town with old money, but full of nice people. We all work hard and live that big city dream.
SQSP: What role does your digital presence play in engaging with your local community?
MnE: As with most businesses today, digital presence is everything, you have to do it whether you like or not. We have mixed feelings about it, but… it’s a great tool if used properly. We use [our digital channels] a lot for news, specials, or events. It’s a quick easy way to let our guests know we are still here and to come check out any and all changes. We also do a lot of giveaways and ask questions, so it makes our community engaged. People posting and/or checking in really help awareness, too. We also know that a certain aesthetic from social media to a beautiful website is what people notice about a place. Most can tell just from the look or branding of something if it will be good or not, which is the first impression you have to nail before they even walk in the door!
Photo by David Stephen
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