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5 Ways to Improve Your SEO With SEOSpace

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for driving traffic and improving the visibility of your website, which will help you generate leads and boost sales. There’s nothing worse than launching a beautiful website or delivering a great product or service that no one can find online. Effective SEO ensures your business stands out, attracts the right audience, and thrives in the competitive digital landscape.

SEOSpace was created to help any Squarespace user rank higher on Google without the jargon. This tool simplifies SEO strategies, making it the go-to solution for effortlessly boosting your Squarespace website's visibility.

How does SEOSpace work?

SEOSpace is a powerful Squarespace extension that provides actionable steps to improve your website’s SEO. 

The SEOSpace extension is made up of two key areas. The first is the SEOSpace dashboard, where you can see your site-wide SEO score, access keyword research, and view a prioritized list of actions to structure your SEO efforts—all covered below. The second is SEOSpace’s Chrome Plugin, which allows you to view your scan results page-by-page, guiding you through improving each page’s SEO—as you can see below.

You enjoy several benefits when you connect the SEOSpace extension to your Squarespace website.

  • SEO guidance: SEOSpace gives you a prioritized list of SEO tasks proven to move the needle and increase website traffic. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, this makes SEO straightforward, with a traffic light checklist to guide you in following best practices.

  • Ecommerce SEO insights: Get personalized SEO guidance for your Squarespace store to drive traffic to top pages and products and boost sales.

  • Advanced SEO recommendations: SEOSpace analyzes your commerce data to provide tailored, jargon-free SEO tips to boost visibility and sales.

How to improve your SEO with SEOSpace in 5 steps

1. Start a 7-day free trial and complete a sitewide audit

When you start a free trial with SEOSpace, you gain access to a detailed report highlighting areas for improvement on your Squarespace site.

Using data from Google Search Console, SEOSpace provides personalized recommendations tailored specifically to your site’s needs. This ensures you focus on the most impactful optimizations.

There are three key benefits to performing a sitewide audit of your Squarespace website using SEOSpace.

A crystal-clear roadmap

The site audit generates a prioritized task list so you know exactly which issues require your immediate attention.

The checklist guides you through fixing critical errors, prioritized based on SEO best practices. By displaying warnings and highlighting opportunities for better rankings, SEOSpace helps you understand what you need to do to improve your site’s SEO strategy.

Progress tracking over time

One of the biggest challenges with SEO is understanding whether your work is paying off. SEOSpace makes it easy by automatically re-scanning your site every week or month and visualizing the progress and achievements through its dashboard.

Seamless Google integration

By connecting with Google Search Console, SEOSpace taps into the most comprehensive and accurate source of information on how Google crawlers interact with your pages. The integration allows for granular insights that are displayed simply and with clear actions to improve your site.

For example, SEOSpace will automatically highlight pages on your site that aren’t indexed, meaning they’re not being displayed on search engines. You’ll get step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial on how to get those web pages on Google.

Take this opportunity to assess your site’s SEO position comprehensively and access a clear, data-driven plan to improve rankings. It’s the first essential step in your journey to increased traffic and visibility.

2. Complete thorough keyword research

Keyword research lays the foundation of any effective SEO strategy. Keywords are the terms or phrases that potential customers type into search engines like Google when looking for information, products, or services. 

With SEOSpace, you have access to powerful keyword analysis tools that give you insights into what your competitors are ranking for.

Here’s how to conduct effective keyword research using SEOSpace.

Begin exploring keyword suggestions

Start by entering broad phrases into the SEOSpace keyword research tool. This will allow you to see related keywords, giving you ideas for what your target customers might be searching for in Google.

For example, if you provide design services, search “design” or “design services” to see related keywords and get ideas for what your customers might be looking for when they’re searching for design services (below).

This is a great way to start keyword research, particularly if it’s new to you, as you can start broad and then hone in on more specific keywords you think could be a fit for your site.

Analyze competitors’ keywords

In addition to the above keyword explorer, SEOSpace also provides a detailed list of keywords that your competitors are ranking for on Google.

You can use this data to:

  • Identify gaps: Discover important keywords that your website currently isn’t ranking for (this is called a “gap analysis”).

  • Analyze traffic insights: See which keywords are driving the most traffic (and potentially revenue) to your competitor’s site.

  • Explore long-tail keyword opportunities: Long-tail keywords are keywords greater than 4 words that are typically less competitive. These can be a great starting point for those getting started with SEO.

This competitive intelligence allows you to uncover untapped keyword opportunities and create a targeted content plan to outrank your competition.

Prioritize high-value keywords

Not all keywords are relevant. With SEOSpace’s keyword metrics, you can quickly identify those keywords with the highest traffic and most relevance so you can prioritize accordingly.

Sort by factors like:

  • Search volume: This reflects the number of people that search for a keyword each month in a given geography on Google.

  • Keyword difficulty: This is an estimate of how difficult it is to rank on page 1 of Google for a given keyword.

  • Search intent: This is what someone is looking for when they search a keyword. Understanding the intent is crucial in SEO, as the content on a web page must match the intent of the keyword you want to rank for. 

  • Cost-per-click (CPC): CPC is the average price advertisers pay for each click in paid search results for a keyword.

This data-driven approach ensures you focus your SEO efforts on the keywords with the biggest potential payoff. Once you know which keywords you’re prioritizing, you can find ways to naturally weave them into your website copy or create content based on your research.

3. Install SEOSpace’s Chrome plugin

Once you’ve started your free trial and completed keyword research, you can install SEOSpace’s Chrome extension, which gives you access to page-specific recommendations, like:

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to rank a web page higher up on Google search: As SEOSpace’s extension is a Chrome plugin, this is accessible both on live Squarespace web pages and on the Squarespace editor

  • The ability to add a keyword to your page scan: This will tell you exactly what to do to rank higher for that keyword, such as where to place it on your web page.

Some of the checks SEOSpace’s extension covers are: 

  • Ensuring your SEO titles and descriptions follow best practices

  • Guidance of where to place keywords on your content

  • Checks to ensure your images aren’t oversized or are missing alt text

  • Highlighting any broken links on your website

Each issue is clearly explained so you know exactly what needs to be updated. Then you can either make the fixes or add the keyword you want to rank for to see additional recommendations on how to rank higher for that specific keyword.

4. Review automatic monitoring

When you add your Squarespace website to SEOSpace, the extension prompts you to automatically set up SEO monitoring. This gives you peace of mind, as SEOSpace acts as a virtual SEO expert checking your Squarespace site while you focus on your business's other priorities.

With SEOSpace’s automatic site monitoring feature, you get:

  • Automated tracking: SEOSpace will scan your site weekly or monthly to assess its performance across various SEO factors. This frees you from initiating checks yourself and ensures no area is overlooked.

  • Specific action items: After each scan, you’ll receive a detailed report highlighting areas that need improvement. SEOSpace prioritizes these items based on their impact, allowing you to quickly identify and tackle the most pressing issues first.

  • Custom guidance: The reports also provide clear guidance on how to resolve each issue. Whether you’re optimizing title tags or rewriting your web page content, you’ll have step-by-step instructions tailored to your specific website.

  • Progress tracking: As you implement the recommended actions, SEOSpace will monitor the changes and reflect your changing scores in reports. This way, you know what’s working and what needs continued attention. 

5. Watch tutorials and engage with the SEOSpace community

SEOSpace focuses only on Squarespace SEO, so as Squarespace and SEO continue to evolve, you can be sure you’re getting the most up-to-date guidance and advice specific to the platform. Another way to stay informed and grow your SEO skills is through SEOSpace’s community, resources, and tutorials.

SEOSpace’s community offers:

  • Webinars and courses: These interactive sessions cover a wide range of SEO topics, from the basics to the most advanced techniques. In SEOSpace’s SEO course, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and learn directly from SEOSpace’s team of experts.

  • Resource library: A library of resources, including SEO guides and videos, is constantly updated with the latest information and Squarespace updates.

  • Connection: The SEOSpace community is also a place to connect with fellow Squarespace users. Share experiences, ask questions, and gain valuable insights.

  • Motivation and accountability: Improving your website’s SEO is an ongoing process. Participating in a community and SEO education will help you stay on track and keep your site competitive.

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