Making It On Trend

How to Use Your Website to Give Back

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During this time of unprecedented crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s inspiring to see how many people across the world are seeking out ways to help others. The pandemic is also shaping the ways people are able to serve their communities—guidelines and directives to stay home and practice social distancing limit our opportunities to offer in-person support and free labor to the organizations and individuals that might need it. People and businesses are leveraging their online presence to give back to others while staying safe and taking the necessary steps to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Your Squarespace website can be a vital digital resource right now, not just for your business, but also for your community.

If you’re looking to set up a fund for friends, family, colleagues, or local organizations, you can add a Donation Block to your website so visitors can make a contribution directly via Stripe or PayPal. You can create your own fund or simply gather donations on behalf of a charity of your choice—be sure it’s clear to your site visitors where their donations are headed.

After setting up your Donation Block, make sure you add an Announcement Bar to your homepage so visitors can learn about your fundraiser as soon as they land on your website. You can also make other updates to your homepage to inform these visitors about any changes your business is making during this time of crisis, from new hours of operation to how you’re protecting your staff. In addition to setting up a Donation Block, you can also offer free or discounted services and products to help those who may be experiencing financial difficulties at this time. 

When you’ve set up your fundraiser or updated your website to include discounted services, make sure your network knows about them. Use your social media channels to share updates with your followers. Write a blog post that speaks to your own efforts and how others can support your cause. Use Email Campaigns to share this information with fans of your brand. Encourage your recipients to share your email with their friends and family as well.  

Lastly, keep your fans, friends, and customers updated on your fundraising efforts. After announcing your ability to accept donations, your community will want to hear about how it’s going. Consider updating your blog or sending out emails with some regularity so those who support you can hear about how things are going, how much money you’ve donated, and how else they can help. 

If you’re looking for additional ways to support your small business during this time of crisis, be sure to check out our recent post “How Small Businesses Can Face Coronavirus Head On.” And if you need additional help adding Donation Blocks to your website, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Care team.

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