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Photographer Emily Soto’s evocative work has appeared in Allure, Glamour, InStyle, and Paper, among many other publications. We sat down with her to learn more about how she discovered her passion for her craft while working in a completely different field.
SQSP: How did you first get interested in photography?
ES: I have always loved photography but fell in love with the fashion realm when I shot a friend of mine who had started modeling. The creativity was endless and I fell in love with capturing emotion. I grew up in a small town and had no idea what I was getting myself into or even where to begin in terms of the fashion industry. I did a lot of research and started experimenting with different techniques that have led me to where I am today.
SQSP: How does your identity as a woman impact your work?
ES: I believe women have a unique way of connecting with their subjects that can often be seen through their work. In my own work there is often a slight feminine, romantic element that is portrayed.
SQSP: Has becoming a parent changed the way in which you approach your work?
ES: Becoming a parent has helped me to focus immensely and has given me a new understanding of the value of time. Working as a freelancer has always been a balancing act so it is just about continuing to find that work/life balance.
SQSP: What advice do you have for someone who is looking to get into photography?
ES: Shoot what inspires you, it is true that if you love what you do it never feels like work. Your work should be authentic and truly represent who you are as a person. Try different techniques, shoot as often as you can to develop your craft and find your voice. When you are confident in your work everything else will follow.
SQSP: What role does your website play in developing your business and brand?
ES: In today’s digital age, a website plays a huge role in showcasing your work. It is a book in digital form and should represent who you are as a photographer. I am always driving social media avenues back to my website as it is crucial to clients and booking jobs.
SQSP: What future project are you looking forward to creating?
ES: I am looking forward to creating a book of Polaroids, I have so many that I haven’t released and others I am excited to create. I have so much film sitting waiting to be used and can’t wait for what is yet to come!
To learn more about Emily’s work, visit her website or follow her on Instagram. Or visit to get started building your own portfolio.